Course Web Pages
Currently teaching at Brigham Young University - Hawaii
Today is Friday February 14, 2025
(Math 111)
Trigonometry and Analytic Geometrty
Circular functions, triangle relationships, identities, inverse
trigonometric functions, trigonometric equations, vectors, complex
numbers, Demoivre's Theorem and analytic geometry.
(Math 121)
Principles of Statistics
Descriptive statistics, elementary probability, central tendency,
variability, random variables (discrete and continuous) confidence
intervals, hypothesis testing, linear regression, ANOVA, contingency
(Math 311)
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Interpolation, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and
integration, and numerical solutions to linear, non-linear and
differential systems.
Past Courses
- Here is a list of courses I've
taught in the past and when I taught them.
S. Hyde
Last modified: Mon Oct 21 17:05:09 HST 2024