Syllabus for Math 111, Winter 2025

Course Description

Circular functions, triangle relationships, identities, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric equations, vectors, complex numbers, Demoivre's Theorem and analytic geometry.

Important Dates

First day of classes is on Wednesday, January 8th.

Add/Drop Deadline (Full Semester) is on Friday, January 17th.

Martin Luther King Day is on Monday, January 20th.

Withdrawals begin with W or WF (Full Semester) is on Tuesday, February 11th.

Presidents Day is on Monday, February 17th.

Withdrawals Deadline (Full Semester) is on Thursday, February 27th.

Kuhio Day Holiday is on Wednesday, March 26th.

Undergraduate Research Conference is on Friday, March 28th.

Last day of class instruction is on Friday, April 11th.

Reading Day is on Saturday, April 12th.

Last day of finals is on Thursday, April 17th.

Calculators and Computers

A calculator capable of performing trigonometric calculations is required for the course. In addition, a graphing calculator is useful for the course.

Math Lab

The Math Lab is a good place for math students to study. Other students will be there working on their math homework, which means its a pretty good place to work together. To make it even better, there are math tutors to help on problems that you or your classmates can't solve. It is located in SCB 302 (third floor of the new Math and Science Building). They also meet virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Additional Help

Seek help when you need it! Email is a good place to ask me questions. The best time to catch me at my office is during my office hours, or by appointment. Email me to schedule an appointment.


Attendance is very important! Come every day! It will NOT be graded. Your attendance and full participation in this class are required for a satisfactory grade. Take responsibility for yourself and understand the consequences for not coming to class. You are responsible for any material I cover during class, whether or not you are there. I won't repeat lectures you miss when you are absent. You are also responsible for any announcements I make in class, including hints or help on the homework or exams and also changes to the schedule. You will find that prolonged absence from class or often arriving to class late will lower a student's grade.

Classroom Decorum.

Late arrival or early departure from class, unless by prior agreement with me, is considered to be disruptive classroom behavior. Conversation between students during presentations is considered disruptive behavior. If you find that you are distracted during classroom presentations by disruptive behavior of any sort, please talk with me.

Course Goals

The goal of this course is to provide students an introduction to the the study of trigonometry and analytic geometry. Trigonometry can be used to solve many real world problems. As a result, learning how to use trigonometric functions to solve problems is an essential skill for many disciplines. Upon successfully completion of this course, students should be able to use critical thinking, mathematical reasoning and algebraic skills in solving trigonometric and analytic geometry problems. In addition to learning trigonometry, a student should also develop their verbal skills in helping others to understand and solve trigonometric problems. Development of problem solving skills, as well as reasoning skills should be enhanced through the study of trigonometry and analytic geometry.

Instructional Methods

The primary instructional method will be lecture and discussion, where the initial portion of the class is available for questions. Secondary methods include online homework and quizzes, and written exams. Tertiary methods may include class handouts, student board work, graphing calculators, computer software.

Homework and Quizzes

Homework will be assigned and completed online at the WebAssign website. You should have the homework completed the class period after we cover the section in class. Make sure you keep up! You need to be self-motivated. If you do not do any homework, then you will not pass this class! Homework is your opportunity to prepare for the quizzes and exams. Online Quizzes will need to be taken on the WebAssign website for each chapter we cover, as well as an occasional written quiz in class.


The tests will be given in Proctorio, except for the final, which will be in our classroom. Students who fail to take an exam during the schedule may only take a make-up exam for full credit if previous arrangements were made with the instructor or under extenuating circumstances. Make-up exams are rarely given. I do not drop the lowest exam score. A schedule of the exams is on the calendar.

Exam Material covered
1 Chapter 5.1-5.5,6.1-6.4
2 Chapter 6.5-6.6, 7
3 Chapter 8
4 Chapter 11
5 Chapter 12.1-12.3
Final comprehensive

Final Exam Policy

School policy dictates: ``Final exams are to be offered on the specific day and time as determined by the official university exam schedule. Students must plan travel, family visits, etc., in a way that will not interfere with their final exams. Less expensive air fares, more convenient travel arrangements, family events or activities, and any other non-emergency reasons are not considered justification for early or late final exams.'' Exceptions to this policy should be submitted in writing to the Dean of the faculty as soon as possible.

Grading and Evaluation

Your course grade will be based on exams, a final, and quizzes. Exams will be worth 60% of the course grade, with 10% in quizzes and 30% in homework.. Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

A 93-
A- 90-93
B+ 87-90
B 83-87
B- 80-83
C+ 75-80
C 70-75
C- 65-70
D 55-65
D- 50-55
F Below 50

AI Use in this Course

In this course, Arificial Intelligence may be used on homework or quizzes. However, it is not permitted during the exams (including the final). You are free to use AI to accentuate your learning. However, you can’t use it when you communicate what you have learned - that has to be you.

Study Time:

How much time should you study? It depends on the grade you want, of course. First, it is assumed that you have satisfied (and remember) the prerequisite mathematics classes (and that you have passed with an A or B level). Then, for every academic hour (a 50 minutes class), you should expect to study outside of the formal class meeting the following number of hours in order to achieve a desired grade.

  1. To achieve a grade of A, you should expect to study at least 4 hours outside of class for every academic hour in class.

  2. To achieve a grade of B, at least 3 hours.

  3. To achieve a grade of C, at least 2 hours.

  4. And, for a letter grade of D, at least 1 hour outside of class for every academic hour in class.

Written Homework:

Please adhere to the following rules for your Written/scanned homework:

  1. It should be on letter size paper (or A4 paper).

  2. Please use blank printer paper, if possible. This enables problems to be placed into numerical order very quickly.

  3. The top 1 inch of the page is reserved for:

    • In the upper lefthand corner, please write the Chapter/section number and page numbers, and the problems assigned (give some room for a staple too).

    • In the top righthand corner, please write your name, date, course.

  4. Please write your answers in a logical manner. Include relevant work.

  5. You should circle and simplify all answers wherever appropriate.

  6. If you use more than one sheet of paper, then you should:

    1. write your name on each sheet (as indicated above),

    2. number the pages,

    3. do all problems in ascending numerical order,

    4. clearly separate different problems/solutions by a dividing line, along with the next problem number circled below the line.

    5. if a homework problem is skipped, either leave some space so that you can return later to finish the problem or leave a note on the paper near the problem number indicating where this problem’s solution can be found.

  7. Homework should be kept in a three-ring binder in ascending numerical order in a neat, logical, and legible manner.

  8. Keep your homework up-to-date,

HAPA Points:

For borderline grades, I will take into consideration the acronym HAPA when determining final grades. HAPA represents: H for homework, A for attendance, P for participation, and A for attitude. HAPA will only help a student’s grade and will only raise your grade (but will never lower it!)


Here is some advice to help you succeed at this and other math classes.

  1. Do not be afraid of mathematics.

  2. Math is not so difficult when you do it on a daily basis.

  3. When you do math on a daily basis, you will begin to relax and enjoy it.

  4. You will begin to understand the world of mathematics.

  5. Do not be afraid to ask questions in class during the lecture-discussion.

  6. Math is a hierarchical subject whereby you usually need to master material covered earlier in the course or the textbook to understand material covered later in the course or textbook.

  7. Do not procrastinate and do not get behind, because Math is a cumulative discipline, and the backlog of work can snowball on you.

  8. Once you fall behind in mathematics, it is almost impossible to catch up and to fully understand the material.

Statements for Course Syllabii:

The Honor Code

exists to provide an education in an atmosphere consistent with the ideals and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to maintain the highest standards of honor, integrity, morality, and consideration of others in personal behavior. Academic honesty and dress and grooming standards are to be maintained at all times on and off campus. The schools policy on Academic Honesty can be found at the web page Students are reminded that they have signed the school Honor Code, and have agreed to abide by the code.


Brigham Young University – Hawaii is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic orgin, religion, sex, pregnancy condition, age (40 and over), disability, genetic information, or veteran status (collectively the “Legally Protected Categories”). For specific information, see the non-discrimination policy at

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct:

The University will not tolerate any actions prescribed under Title IX legislation, specifically sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic or dating violence or stalking perpetrated by or against any university students, university employees or participants in university programs. For specific information see

All faculty and staff are deemed responsible reporting parties and as such mandated to report incidents of sexual misconduct including sexual assault Title IX.

Title IX Office
Lorenzo Snow Administrative Building Office Phone: (808) 675-4585
55-220 Kulanui St. Laie, HI 96762 E-Mail:
Student Academic Grievance policy:

Students who feel that their work has been unfairly or inadequately evaluated by an instructor are encouraged to pursue the matter as an Academic Grievance by following the steps found in the Academic Grievance policy at

Accomodating Students with Disabilities:

Disability Services is dedicated to assisting students with disabilities by providing opportunities for success and equal access at Brigham Young University-Hawaii. We are committed to coordinating reasonable accommodations as outlined by Federal and State law.

To learn more about available supports:
Go to, call 808-675-3518, or go to McKay 181 (across from the Cafeteria). You may also email with questions.

For Canvas Accessibility Issues – please fill out this online form

Mental Health Resources

As a college student, there may be times when personal stressors interfere with your academic performance and/or negatively impact your daily life. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health challenges at BYUH, please contact Counseling Services at 808-675-3518. Services are free and confidential. For more information, visit

Free mental health self-help resources are available through TAO Connect. To access them, simply go to and sign in using your BYUH email address.

In a crisis situation, or after hours, please contact BYUH Campus Safety at 808-675-3911 or call 911 if you are off campus. You can also call the 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-800-753-6879 or contact the Crisis Text Line at 741-741.


If you have reason to believe a student or dependent of a student is a danger to self or others please do one of the following depending on the urgency of the situation: Call 911, Call BYU-H Public Safety (808-675-3911), REPORT A CONCERN to the Behavior Intervention Team. If you have a concern to report go to

S. Hyde
Last modified: Sat Sep 7 20:09:58 HST 2024