Tentative Schedule for Math 121, Fall 2024

Refer to the class syllabus for other important class dates.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    September 4 §1.1-1.2
5 6 §1.3-1.5
9 §2.1-2.2
10 11 §2.3-2.5
12 13 §3.1-3.2
16 §3.3-3.4
17 18 §3.5-4.1
19 20 §4.2-4.3
23 §4.3-4.4
24 25 §4.4
26 27 Exam 1
30 §5.1-5.2
Exam 1
October 1 2 §5.3-5.4
3 4 §5.4, 6.1
7 §6.2-6.3
8 9 §7.1-7.2
10 11 §7.2-7.3
14 §7.4-7.5
15 16 §7.5
17 18 Exam 2
21 §8.1-8.2
Exam 2
22 23 §8.3-8.4
24 25 §8.4-8.5
28 §12.1-12.2
29 30 §12.3, 9.1
31 November 1 §9.1-9.2
4 §9.3-9.4
5 6 §9.5-9.6
7 8 Exam 3
11 §10.1-10.2
Exam 3
12 13 §10.3
14 15 §11.1-11.2
18 §11.3-11.4
19 20 §14.1-14.2
21 22 §14.3
25 26 Exam 4
27 Exam 4
28 Thanksgiving Holiday 29 Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2 3 4 5 6 Reading Day
9 Final Exam
10 11 Final Exam
Section 1's Final is on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 08a-10:50am in our classroom.
Section 3's Final is on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 11a-1:50pm in our classroom.
Last modified: Sat Sep 7 08:32:17 PM HST 2024