Installing Emacs

Currently, all the links to download the windows version of Emacs do not work. As I don't use windows very much any more, I don't think I'll update the instructions below. However, I will leave them as they stand because they may be of use to someone.

At any rate, all the emacs instructions are still valuable as they work on Linux as well as windows. Those instructions will be updated whenever they need to be.

Table of Contents:

Download the EmacsW32 + Emacs Package.

  1. Go to ""
  2. Download the latest patched emacs by clicking on "Download latest EmacsW32+Emacs patched". Save it to the desktop or a place that's easy to find.

Installing Emacs

  1. Double-click on the file that was downloaded above. You should see something similar to that below. Click Next.
    welcome to emacs+emacsW32 install wizard. click next
  2. Click on "I accept the agreement". Click Next.
    license agreement.  Click next
  3. Read the Information if you want. The important thing to understant is that this is installing the latest Gnu Emacs version (the one in CVS) compiled for windows. It is not an official GNU release, but it does have the latest features for windows. Click on Next.
    review the extra information
  4. The default is sufficient. Click Next.
    Select the destination location to install
  5. Do a full installation for the good stuff.... Click Next.
    select new components for emacs.
  6. The installer asks if you want to install for all users or just yourself. Choose whatever you want...
    Do you want to install for all users?
  7. I would not suggest that you change file associations. You may regret it later if you do... Click "Thank you, I will skip this section", and then click on Next.
    File Type Associations. Associate .el with Emacs
  8. The default should be fine. Click Next.
    Select Start Menu Folder Name - GNU Emacs
  9. We're ready to go!!!! Click Next.
    Click install.
  10. Now we wait...
    Wait while installing.
  11. It's Done. You can click on Start Emacs with Emacsw32 Options page to set some additional settings to Emacs to make it more like your experience with other windows editors. You're done now with the installing!
    finish installing.

Setting the environmental variables

This step depends on your system. Follow the steps for your system below:

Windows 95/98/ME

  1. Open up the file c:\autoexec.bat in notepad. Double-click does not edit the file, but rather execute the file. The easiest way to do is to first run notepad, then open the file. Add the following line (or edit the line):
            set HOME=C:\
  2. Note that some systems do not like long filenames. If you determine that yours does not, then replace "program files" with "progra~1".

Windows 2000/XP

  1. Right click on the "My Compter" icon, and select Properties. Click on the Advanced tab.
    System Properties for My Computer
  2. Click on Environmental variables. You should see:
    Environment variables
  3. You should create (or edit) the following user variable:
    • Create the HOME variable with the value c:\
  4. Installation of Emacs is now complete. Now you can proceed to Integrating Emacs and R.

Windows Vista

  1. Windows Vista has a problem installing the .emacs (or _emacs) file to the root directory (C:\) (It doesn't let you edit it once it is there). Choose a different directory as the home directory. One suggestion would be "C:\Users"
  2. Follow the directions for Windows XP above and create the HOME variable with the value c:\Users\
  3. Installation of Emacs is now complete. Now you can proceed to Integrating Emacs and R
S. Hyde
Last modified: Thu Nov 12 11:55:00 HST 2020